A "capital" remains the completest work explaining greater part of the economic phenomena until now, and "" Capital" of Маркса in comics" inhales in this work of жиз...
A book is also addressed to the teachers of schools and institutions of higher learning, students, parents.Whoever of readers knows the best seller of Clarissa Эстес "Hurrying.
The publication includes the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, as well as the Brown Book and the Blue Book, which were preparatory materials for Wittgenstein's main work ...
In immortalizing the name of writer treatise "Sovereign" the Italian diplomat Никколо Макиавелли (1469-1527) describes character properties, abilities and methods in detail ...
Konrad Lorenz is an outstanding zoologist and zoopsychologist, philosopher and psychologist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, author of time-tested...
"Aphorisms" is a collection written by the ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus (ancient Greek Έπίκτητος, 50-138). ***
These are Epictetus' reflections on life, morality...
Research is sanctified to the post-modern as epoch in that we live now, - related to the modern, growing from him, but having the features, specific,...
Alvin Плантинга (1932) is the most authoritative philosopher rendering large influence on analytical philosophy of religion. His reasoning connect in itself логическу...
A book describes philosophical conception under the name "arctic agnosticism". On the essence this world view system is combination of conception of прин...
A book of the known worldwide Austrian psychologist, creator of logotherapy Victor Франкля is collection of lectures in that in accessible and увлекатель...