In the lake of one of parks of London, under the layer of ice, the body of woman is found. A detective Erica Фостер takes up investigation. For a victim, young society lioness...
The 50th anniversary novel by Alexandra Marinina. For the first time, Anastasia Kamenskaya is studying an old criminal case on a real crime. Convicted of him so far...
Liza arrived to Paris with the groom by Stepan, but romantic trip did not turn out. They appeared complicit in history with attacking neighbourly kilovar...
Best SELLER of NEW YORK TIMESДесять years back life of Johnny Мерримона changed beyond retrieve. Exposing the secret of serial killer, terrorizing neighbourhood, he became ...
The magnificent literary duet of Татьяны Устиновой and Paul Астахова continues the "Business cycle judicial" and exposes in a new novel as impossible more actual to those...
WORLD best SELLER FROM ШВЕЦИИТОП-ЛИСТ of the BEST THRILLERS 2019 YEAR ON VERSION of THE GUARDIANМировая sensation! Best Thriller-seller that it was refused to produce in Ам...
Best seller of New York TimesРоман- laureate of bonuses Edgar Award, Barry Award and Ian Fleming Steel Dagger AwardДжон Харт is an only writer in history, twice on...
There are two women in the center of plot. Инга is a corporal internist, author of unique methodology on healing of heartfelt traumas and physical pain. Соломия is her assistant.
Her code name "Chemist". She worked on the governmental serving as the USA of such degree of secrecy, that she did not have the name, and kept secret, capable нару...
Life of indefatigable young detective Флавии de Люс, and without that unboring, steeply changed: she is sent from home to Canada, in the woman academy of miss of Бодикот, where.